Understanding solar panel PV systems

The building blocks of solar energy

solar photovoltaic PV systems represent a significant leap in renewable energy technology, offering a sustainable solution to our growing energy needs. At Starks electrical, we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. Understanding the components and workings of solar PV installation and systems is crucial in appreciating their value and functionality.

Components of a solar PV system

  1.         solar panels:  the most visible part of a solar PV system, solar panels are responsible for capturing sunlight. Made-up of numerous photovoltaic cells, these panels convert solar energy into direct current DC electricity.
  2.         Inverter: the inverter is a critical component that converts the DC electricity generated by the solar panels into alternating current AC electricity, which is the standard electrical form used in homes and businesses.
  3.         Mounting system: this includes the structural components that secure solar panels to the roof or ground. The mounting system ensures stability and optimal orientation and angle of the panels for maximum sunlight exposure.
  4.         Battery storage (optional): Solar batteries store excess energy produced during peak sunlight hours. This stored energy can be used during periods of low sunlight, ensuring A consistent energy supply. With the government's new regulation of VAT Free installs and smart energy tariffs like octopus go, now is the time for battery storage!
  5.         Charge controller: essential for systems with batteries, the charge controller regulates the voltage and current flowing to the batteries, preventing overcharging and prolonging battery life.

Electrical accessories: These including wiring, switches, and a metering system. They ensure safe operation of the solar PV system and allow monitoring of energy production and usage.

How solar PV system works

The process of converting sunlight into electricity is both fascinating and elegant:


  •         absorption of sunlight: Solar panels absorb sunlight, and the photovoltaic cells within the panels generate DC electricity.
  •         Conversion to usable electricity: the DC electricity travels to the inverter, where it is transformed into AC electricity, suitable for use in homes and businesses.
  •         Distribution of electricity once converted, this electricity is either used immediately by the connected property, stirred in batteries, or fed back into the electricity grid.
  •         Monitoring and management modern systems include monitoring solutions that provide real time data on energy production and consumption, allowing for efficient management of the system. 


 Types of solar panel PV systems

Solar PV systems are versatile and can be adapted to various settings:

Residential systems: Designed for individual homes, these systems are typically roof mounted and sized to meet the energy needs of a household. They offer a way for homeowners to reduce energy bills and increase property value.

Commercial systems: Larger in scale, commercial systems are used by businesses and organizations. They can be roof mounted or ground mounted and are often part of a broader sustainability strategy.

Community and utility scale systems: These are large scale installations that provide power to multiple properties or feed into the grid. They play a crucial role in the renewable energy landscape, contributing significantly to national energy needs.

Off grid systems: Ideal for remote locations without grid access, these systems often include battery storage and are entirely self-sustaining.

A versatile and sustainable solution

Solar PV systems offer a flexible, efficient, and sustainable solution to energy generation. Whether it’s a small residential setup or a large commercial project, these systems can be tailored to meet specific energy needs. At starts electrical, We specialize in designing and installing bespoke solar PV systems, ensuring that each installation maximizes efficiency and sustainability. Embrace the power of the sun with us, and take a step towards a cleaner, greener future.