🌟💰 Another client success story! Saving a whopping £1900 per year! 🌟💰

We just installed 12 sleek all-black panels along with our exclusive FOX All-in-One system. 🖤☀️ This revolutionary setup integrates the inverter and batteries into a single unit, maximizing efficiency and savings! 💡♻️

Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to sustainable savings! 🌿💸 

5kw Fox ESS AIO

Solar panel installation in Shaklin, Isle of Wight, Hampshire. Here we installed 12x 435w JA Solar panels with a 5kW Fox inverter and 5kWh Battery storage system all housed within the FOX AIO system.

If you would like to know how much money we can save you on your electricity bills, Call us today on 01425 460419.


5kw Fox ESS All in one solar installation